How much is tuition?

Information on tuition rates for full time, part time, and enrichment options can be found on our enrollment page. Rates vary depending on time of enrollment and choice of payment options.

Do you plan to serve students older than 10 in the future?

We will adjust our offerings in the future if the demand and space allow for it.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! We offer 10 or 12 month payment options. Information on monthly payment breakdown can be found on the enrollment page. We also offer a discount for paying in full.

What are your class sizes?

Our mixed age class will never go above a 15:1 student to teacher ratio. Friday enrichment groups may be larger dependent on parent involvement on these days.

What ages/grades do you serve?

We currently serve students ages 6-10 (approx. grades 1-4).

What are the expectations for home learning days?

Parents choosing the part time hybrid option will be responsible for facilitating two days of at home learning. Pacing and lesson plan information will be shared by the teacher.

What curriculum will you use?

Our current curriculum choices and links to more information can be found here. All curriculum choices have video and/or supplemental supports for hybrid learners for ease of implementation on home learning days. They also include placement tests so that students begin at a level that reflects their skill level.